05/03 - It seems that French photographer Bertrand Aubert has a special attitude to discover unknown glamboxers and bring them to the attention of fans.
On Saturday January 21st he was attended at the ususal local event at Salle des Sports "Jules Verne" in Nantes, the same where he noticed FARIDA EL ALMOUDI
for the first time. In this case he saw an interesting lightweight prospect so he contacted GlamBoxRec. Here are his words:
<<A few weeks ago I saw a promosing fighter doing her first international fight. Her name is VALENTINE BLANCHARD and she defeated by unanimous decision
veteran ANABEL RAMIREZ. I took some pictures of the bout and at the end of it, I had the chance to talk with her. Soon you will discover more!>>

VALENTINE BLANCHARD vs ANABEL RAMIREZ - Lightweights - 21/01/2023










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